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Current Projects

 Abby is always looking for ways to free the stories in her head. Below are some of the large projects that she currently has in progress.

© 2021 Abigail J. Miller

A Legacy of Shadow (ALOS)

Genre: Fantasy

A thousand years after magic was purged from the Continent of Kovara, enchanted artifacts begin to reappear among the people. When a young street urchin named Seren picks the pocket of the King's chaplain, she suddenly finds herself in possession of - and unknowingly bonded to - one of the most dangerous arcane relics from a time long since forgotten. Now, pursued by dark and dangerous forces, Seren must flee to find a way to separate herself from the relic's magic while keeping it safe from those who wish to abuse its power.

A Legacy of Shadow is a five-book series that follows Seren Hadley as she journeys across Kovara, seeking the truth behind the disappearance of magic as she's hunted by foes trying to keep her in the dark. But Seren must reconsider everything she's been told when she discovers that historians lied, and that those hunting her may just be the ones who need her help most of all.

Souls of the Seraphim

Genre: Historical Fiction/Historical Romance

Not a soul on Earth knows what happens when we die. Except the Seraphim. As God's chosen angels, the Seraphim sacrifice their wings and descend from Elysia to walk among man as guides and protectors.  And it is their duty to serve as spiritual warriors against the Demons that try to kidnap souls during their ascension.

Kenric is on his sixth ascension, and believes he is finally worthy of finding eternal peace past Elysia's gates. But when Archangel Zadkiel deems him undeserving, he is outraged. Angry and defiant, Kenric refuses to descend to live yet another mundane lifetime, forcing Zadkiel to remand Kenric's soul to Oblivion to await punishment. While trapped in Oblivion, Kenric meets Leoric. Kenric learns that Leoric is a disgraced Seraphim awaiting judgment for violating the Prime Commandment - killing his soulmate. Calling upon his knowledge as a former Seraphim, Leoric tells Kenric of a forbidden way to escape Oblivion and descend to Earth blessed with immortality and the stolen Power of Miracle. But Leoric issues a single warning: If Kenric discovers his soulmate while on Earth their souls will unite, and the Seraphim will be able to use their newly shared soul to capture him - no doubt dooming Kenric to a painful eternity of punishment among the demons.

Souls of the Seraphim is a multiple-book series that follows Kenric through the eras of the Vikings, the Roman Empire, and more as he wreaks vengeful havoc on mankind while doing everything within his power to remain hidden from the Seraphim who hunt him.

Redwater Hymns

Genre: Fantasy

Tari makes her living out at sea - like her brothers. But women aren't welcome aboard the schooners. So Tari disguises herself as a man and joins a crew. But she should have known she couldn't hide her bindings forever. Betrayed by her friend and mentor, Tari awakens below the waves to discover she’s been transformed - like all the women sacrificed before her. As she mourns the life she knew, Tari tries to navigate her fate among the angry and vengeful sirens. But soon she discovers a darker current running beneath the surface. One that threatens to exterminate her found sisters. Desperate to save them from experiencing the pain of death yet again, Tari must swim back to the surface for the first time, searching for help from the very man that betrayed her.


"Tari’s lungs screamed for air. She writhed against the chains around her wrists and ankles as she sank further into the murky depths below.  Water spilled down her throat in rivulets of fire, flooding her lungs as the salt in her mouth acted like a gag. As her thoughts turned hazy, Tari took a willing breath, allowing the agony to overtake her.

Then suddenly - she could breathe again."