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Legacy of Shadow Character Concepts

Seren Hadley

Not yet out of her late teens, Seren is a kindhearted and clever young woman known for her deft hands and quiet feet. Growing up among the urchins on the street taught Seren the skills she needed to survive, and she quickly became one of the best pickpockets in the city. But as word of her skills spread, Seren frequently found herself having to choose between doing what's right, and doing what's necessary to put food on the table. 

Unlike most of the other street children who never knew their parents, Seren grew up with a mother's love until her tragic passing in 1121, when Seren was only eight years old.  After her passing, Seren was forced out into the streets, alone, sleeping curled up in doorways or hidden among the nets down at the city docks - until she met Haidin Lindalia. The two found refuge in each other, and created a new home in the forgotten tunnels hidden beneath the city.

© 2021 Abigail J. Miller
© 2021 Abigail J. Miller

Haidin Lindalia

No one wants to know more about Haidin's past than him. Found as an infant by a young Lindalian couple living outside the city walls, he was surrendered to the care of the eunuchs and sisters of the Alter in the year 1112. Given the common surname "Lindalia", as all orphans living at the Alter were given, Haidin ran away in 1117, when he was only five years old. He spent the next several years searching for any trace of his birth parents, harboring a deep-seated belief that he had not been abandoned, but rather lost. 

In the year 1122, Haidin was caught by the city guard stealing a bundle of cloth from the local market. As they snapped a metal cuff around his tiny wrist, a sick and scrawny Seren Hadley ran straight into the legs of the guard, knocking him off balance and allowing the two to escape. But they didn't make it far before the girl collapsed from exhaustion and malnutrition. Haidin took her to his hideout beneath the city and nursed her back to health. From then on the two were inseparable. As they grew older, word of the trouble-making pair started circulating among the city's unsavory characters. Using his contacts among the city's street kids as well as his own cunning, Haidin became known to the underground as a master Fixer and Fence. Together, he and Seren worked as a team to fulfill contracts around the city of Lindalia, with Haidin continuously pushing for bigger - and riskier - jobs.

Zev Lindalia

A loyal friend and fierce protector, Zev is always looking out for the orphans of the Alter. While he will always sacrifice for the collective, he isn't afraid to make hard decisions to protect the wellbeing of the children who rely on him. Smarter than he appears, Zev often keeps his opinions to himself. He is suspicious of newcomers, but warm and friendly around those he trusts.

Zev cannot remember life before the Alter, where he grew up alongside his younger brother Keely. The sisters at the Alter had always told Zev that he and his brother had been left on the doorstep of the Alter one winter night, with little Zev clutching a single slip of paper containing their first names. Life wasn't bad for Zev and Keely at the Alter. They were warm, clothed, and fed. Until Zev turned six in the year 1121, and the rules of the Alter demanded he be turned away to open a bed for a younger child. However, Zev's bright smile and helpful attitude ingratiated him to the Carers, who allowed him to stay another two years until Keely's sixth birthday. With both brothers officially aged out, they were turned away and sent to the streets. 

In the year 1123, Zev and Keely bumped into a then ten-year-old Seren as they fished from the docks. Having enjoyed the companionship of the two boys near her age, Seren invited them both to her hideout in the tunnels, where they met a displeased Haidin. But as time passed, Zev and Haidin became as close as brothers. Until Haidin lied about the details of a contract, sending Keely out on a job alone. Keely was caught by the city guard, and sentenced to several years in prison. Betrayed by Haidin, Zev left the tiny hideout on bad terms with his former friend. He migrated down the forgotten tunnels, and set up a small camp to offer refuge to the young boys and girls who either aged out, or ran away, from the city's Alter. By the year 1125, Zev had grown his little camp from a handful of ragtag children into a well-structured and supplied compound, housing dozens of orphans.

© 2021 Abigail J. Miller
© 2021 Abigail J. Miller

Warrick Devine

The royal Chaplain of Lindalia, Warrick Devine is highly educated and holds a substantial amount of political influence. Educated at the College of Vrudhelm, Warrick is also a Master Mage, and the only person in the city of Lindalia allowed to practice and study the arcane due to his royal position. Courageous, self-sacrificing, and a scholar, Warrick is generous and forgiving to all except those who hurt the people he loves. 

Born to a middling family in the year 1076, Warrick did not always know the luxuries of palace life. He grew up on a small farm outside the walls of the city in a family of farmers and blacksmiths. Naturally curious, he taught himself to read at a young age, and excelled in all academic areas, eventually earning top marks at the College of Vrudhelm. At the young age of 20, Warrick was named a Master Mage and joined the Council of Masters before being subsequently assigned to continue his studies under the tutelage of the previous Chaplain of Lindalia. 

At 26, Warrick married a young Lindalian noble woman named Talia, and had one daughter followed by three sons. Five years after his marriage, Warrick succeeded the prior Chaplain. For many years Warrick and his family lived happily as one of the most influential families in the kingdom. Until the year 1117,  when his wife and children found themselves stranded onboard the family boat on their way back from the Isle of Mages. While Talia managed to survive, the three children perished at sea. Within a few months, Talia passed away from the grief of losing her children, leaving Warrick alone to care for a young Faulk.


Friend to few, enigma to all.

Faulk was born in the year 1106 in the port city of Ruvenfell in the southern Kingdom of Aelvenport. In the spring and summer, Faulk worked the land alongside his seven brothers. In the fall and winter he joined his family out at sea, bringing in the winter crabs that fetched a high price at market. In the winter of 1117, Faulk and his family were caught in a terrible storm off the coast of Lindalia City in which their ship was struck by lightning. Spying the flames of the boat's wreckage from shore as he scanned the seas for his own family's boat, Chaplain Warrick Devine mounted a rescue. But only 11-year-old Faulk survived. Warrick took the boy under his wing, forming a close bond with the boy. 

When Faulk showed promise as a fighter, Warrick trained him as a scout. Faulk quickly outperformed even the most talented Lindalian soldiers and spies. He became King Aldric's the most valuable asset.

Despite finding a new home among the royal family of Lindalia, the grief and anger of losing his parents and brothers never went away. Burying it deep inside, Faulk became the man he is today - silent, suspicious, and unwilling to trust anyone but Warrick.

© 2021 Abigail J. Miller
© 2021 Abigail J. Miller

Kodi Hadley

Kodi was born to a single mother who worked at the Amaranthe brothel. Unable to care for a child, she abandoned her baby, leaving him in an empty alleyway near the city market. He was discovered by Seren Hadley, who heard his cries from the tunnels below. She emerged from the underground to find him wrapped in a thin blanket. Desperate to see him safe, Seren took him to the Alter. But Seren had grown attached to the baby, and visited him frequently over the next five years, even allowing him to use her last name. Kodi grew up knowing Seren as a both a friend, and mother figure.

When Kodi turned six, he was dismissed from the Alter - like every child on their sixth birthday. He was met on the steps that morning by Seren, who took his hand and led him to the underground sanctuary run by her old friend Zev. Despite having a home among the other children in the tunnels, Kodi often slipped away to sleep in Seren and Haidin's hideout, knowing they would always have something for him to eat. Seren would never tell him that on the days he ate, she didn't.

Happy, spirited, and carefree, Kodi spends his days playing talligalli with the other street children, and begging for coins in the kingdom's nobility quarter. His big, brown eyes endear him to the local noble women, allowing him to get away with begging in nicer areas of the city while escaping the shackles of the city guard.

Elaina Grano

Elaina is the single child of a middling farming family living outside the city walls of Lindalia. 

The Granos lived quietly, making a living turning the fields and harvesting root vegetables to sell at market. Known for their generosity, Elaina and her parents frequently assisted their fellow farmers living outside the walls.

But tragedy struck the family when in 1129,  Elaina's father was attacked by a bear while hunting in the nearby woods. After his death, Elaina stepped up to run the family business. She often tended the fields herself as her mother remained bedridden - heartbroken after the loss of her husband. Two winters later, Elaina's mother fell ill during the harsh winter of 1131. She never recovered.  

Left to hunt and run her family's farm alone, Elaina refuses to sell her land. And each spring she works the fields until her hands bleed, determined to keep the family business alive.

© 2021 Abigail J. Miller
© 2021 Abigail J. Miller

Riletta Raisa

Madame of Lindalia City's most prestigious brothel - The Mages' Rest.

Born in the eastern Kingdom of Blackmire, Riletta was the poor daughter of a noble woman’s maid until she was offered the opportunity to apprentice as a clothier in one of the Kingdom's larger homesteads at age 11. She spent the next 10 years mastering the finer elements of sewing and stitching, earning a reputation as one of the Continent's finest dressmakers. 

Word of the young woman's skills spread. In the year 1120, Riletta was summoned to Lindalia city at age 21 to make a series of gowns for the daughters of several noble families. While in Lindalia, she fell in love with the son of one of her employers. But their affair did not last long. The two were discovered, and as a result Riletta's love was sent to live with family in the far away kingdom of Aelvenport. Riletta also lost her contract and was left an outcast, with very few prospects and no coin to return to her home.

Stranded in a foreign city, Riletta used the only assets she had left - her beauty and dressmaking skills. She found a home at the Amoranthe brothel serving the customers and fixing the rips in the girls' dresses. She quickly became a favorite of the men at the brothel, and having built an impressive clientele, Riletta left the Amoranthe for the more elite Mages' Rest. After only two short years, Riletta found herself positioned as the Mages' Rest Madame after the previous Madame was found dead in her office. And while the city guard was never able to make heads nor tails of her passing, there were whispers among the girls of an empty vile of poison that had been found in the alleyway the next day.  

Today, Riletta relies on her beauty and cunning to take advantage of the men in Lindalia in revenge for the scorn she once faced.

King Aldric Faevaris III

Codex information pending.

© 2021 Abigail J. Miller
© 2021 Abigail J. Miller

Crown Prince Lachlan and Prince Xander

Codex information pending.

Royal Grand Marshal Elward Hexidor

Codex information pending.

© 2021 Abigail J. Miller